
4 cps. Spring water 1-2 pinches cayenne pepper
1-2 scallions or ¼ small onion, diced ½ tsp. Finely grated ginger
1 small carrot 4 tsp. Miso paste
½ cp. Sliced daikon or turnip Minced clove of garlic **
Chopped parsley Juice of ½ lemon



  1. Bring water to a boil and add onion.
  2. Simmer one minute uncovered.
  3. Add carrot, daikon or turnip, ginger, cayenne and garlic.
  4. Cover and simmer 4-5 minutes.
  5. Put the miso in a cup and dissolve with some of the hot soup stock. Add to the soup and simmer gently (do not boil) for 3 more minutes.
  6. Stir in scallions and parsley. Turn off heat and add juice of ½ lemon.

You can also add chopped greens such as kale, turnip greens, mustard greens and others.

I recommend using a high quality miso from a reputable health food store. I like South River Miso, Miso Master and Westbrae brands. 

**NOTE: If you have heat signs (excessive anger, irritability, migraine headaches, constipation) or reflux or other stomach related problems, leave the garlic out.


Benefits and therapeutic properties 

Carrots are considered the sweet flavor and are a rich source of the anti-oxidant beta-carotene (provitamin A) which protects against cancer; alkaline-forming, clears acidic blood conditions, benefits the lungs, improves liver function, strengthens spleen-pancreas, treats night blindness, benefits the skin, useful for skin lesions and lung, digestive tract and urinary tract infections; because of their high silicon content they strengthen connective tissues and aid calcium metabolism.

Turnips (rich in vitamin A) are sweet, bitter and pungent in flavor; improves circulation of energy in the body; build blood, resolve mucus, clear food stagnation; relieves coughing; promote sweating; treat lung-related imbalances including bronchial disorders, asthma, sinus problems.

Daikon has many of the same benefits as turnips; it is more cooling than turnips; especially beneficial for resolving mucus and aiding in weight loss.

Scallions are pungent and bitter and used for chest and heart pain; promote urination and sweating; anti-fungal and antimicrobial; relieve edema and other damp conditions; resolve diarrhea, abdominal swelling and pain.

Parsley is pungent, bitter and salty and improves digestion; detoxifies meat or fish poisoning; very high in vitamin C, provitamin A, chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium and iron.; treats obesity, swollen glands and breasts; stones in bladder, kidney and gall bladder; effective for nearly all kidney and urinary problems (except inflammation); strengthens adrenals and benefits optic and brain nerves; counteracts poor digestion.

Cayenne is warming, pungent and high in vitamin C; stimulates movement of energy in the body; when combined with garlic in soup has antiviral, antibiotic and diaphoretic properties – helpful at the onset of a cold.

Garlic is pungent and dispersing and helps overcome stagnant energy in the body; controls the growth of putrefactive bacteria caused by overeating, poor food combining, and animal products. When combined with cayenne it is anti-viral, antibiotic and diaphoretic. If one eats a healthy vegetarian diet, the need for garlic and cayenne decreases and can be harmful.

Ginger is warming and pungent and helps break down high-protein foods and lessens the effects of uric acid in the body. Useful for nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, motion sickness, menstrual cramps, bronchitis, aches and spasms. Use minimally with heat signs (above).

Miso is high protein and contains amino acid patterns similar to meat with a trace of B12; contains lactobacillus which aids digestion and assimilation; creates an alkaline condition in the body and increases resistance to disease; promotes longevity; treats and prevents radiation sickness; treats certain types of heart disease and cancer; neutralizes some of the effects of pollution and smoking. Learn more about Miso

Learn more about the Five Flavors