These foods are classified as the bitter flavor in Chinese Dietary Therapy. Bitter foods have the ability to cool heat in the body and to dry dampness. They are cleansing for the liver, helpful for weight loss, and very good for inflammation and heart health. Learn more about the five flavors and their benefits.

Use kale, collard greens, escarole, bok choy, dandelion greens, Chinese cabbage, turnip greens, swiss chard, watercress, bok choy, mustard greens, carrot tops, parsley, and rapini. These vegetables are too coarse and fibrous to eat raw and will cause digestive issues. Please cook them. I do not recommend juicing greens.




It’s best to keep it simple with greens. Steam for 6-10 minutes.  Drizzle with lemon, lime, or vinegar. After the greens are cooked you can toss with unpasteurized sauerkraut and/or sprouts and microgreens.  

Or you can add sliced roasted red pepper and/or artichokes and toss with a few black olives and goat or sheep feta cheese, or vegan feta cheese.  You can cool the steamed greens (by running under cold water) and put on top of salad greens with sliced red onion.  Add a few strawberries, blueberries, and mango slices, and your favorite raspberry vinaigrette dressing.



Sauté chopped greens with onions, garlic, crushed red pepper, and other vegetables in a little oil. Add a small amount of water, a little GF soy sauce or tamari or salt and pepper, cover and cook about 10 minutes. Crushed tomatoes and white beans are a nice addition. Simmer 20 minutes with the tomatoes.  Or, use a vegetable bouillon instead of tomatoes. Greens and Beans recipe


Simple brown sauce to serve over greens



  • 4-6 scallions 
  • 1 tsp. toasted sesame oil
  • 2-3 cloves minced garlic
  • 2 tsp. grated ginger
  • 1 TB. kuzu or arrowroot (to thicken)
  • 3 TB. tamari or gluten-free soy sauce
  • 2 TB. rice vinegar
  • 1 TB. molasses
  • 1 1/2 cups vegetable broth or water



  1. Heat oil over medium heat and add garlic, and ginger.
  2. Sauté about one minute then add vegetable broth or water.  
  3. Next add tamari, molasses, and rice vinegar and gently simmer 4-5 minutes.
  4. Dilute kuzu or arrowroot in small amount of room temperature water.
  5. Turn heat to medium high and when mixture begins to boil, stir in the diluted kuzu and and continue stirring until thickened — about 2-3 minutes.  Turn off heat and stir in the scallions.



  • Mushrooms are a nice addition. Add them with the garlic and ginger.
  • You can saute sliced leeks with the garlic and ginger instead of using scallions.
  • You can use cold-pressed olive oil instead of sesame oil
  • You can also add any herbs that you like. 
  • This is similar to a Chinese brown sauce. 
  • Serve over greens, rice, pasta, or any other vegetable.

You can also add leafy greens to soups, stews, pasta dishes and other vegetable dishes. They are very nutritious and you’ll benefit by eating them daily.

Regeneration Soup cleanses toxins, and strengthens and regenerates your health